Yavapai Humane Society



Under 50 lbs
$150.00 Includes Surgical Collar (required), Pain Meds and complimentary Rabies vaccine
Over 50 lbs
$180.00 Includes Surgical Collar (required), Pain Meds and complimentary Rabies vaccine
Over 100 lbs
No extra charge
Under 50 lbs
$200.00 Includes Surgical Collar (required), Pain Meds and complimentary Rabies vaccine
Over 50 lbs
$250.00 Includes Surgical Collar (required), Pain Meds and complimentary Rabies vaccine
Over 100 lbs
No extra charge


All sizes
$110.00 Includes Surgical Collar (required), Pain Meds and complimentary Rabies vaccine
All sizes
$160.00 Includes Surgical Collar (required), Pain Meds and complimentary Rabies vaccine

*There are no hidden fees, charges are as quoted above.

Dogs and cats over 7 years of age require bloodwork prior to surgery. We strongly recommend any animal over 5-7 years order pre-surgical bloodwork.

We do not accept dogs or cats 10 years or older for surgery.

Any aggressive animals that may pose a high risk for staff or other animals will not be accepted in the clinic.

Office Visit: $50.00 for vaccination appointments on Wednesdays and Thursdays if you prefer not to come in for our Friday Walk-In vaccine clinic. This applies for up to three animals, each additional animal will be $25. Please call (928)771-0547to make an appointment.

*Minimum age for surgery is 16 weeks,  minimum weight is 4 lbs. Please call (928) 771-0547  if you would like more information.

Top 3 Reasons

To spay or neuter your pet


They make better, friendlier companions because they are less likely to roam, run away, get into fights, or bite.


They are less likely to get certain types of cancers.


When you prevent unwanted kittens from being born, you help reduce the number of cats who end up in shelters.

If a male and female cat and their offspring are left to breed, they will quickly multiply!

*Based on two litters a year at a survival rate of 2.8 kittens per litter.

1 Unspayed female and 1 Unneutered male can produce:

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