Yavapai Humane Society

Dog Guardianship Form

Pet Guardianship Dog Enrollment Form

Thank you for taking the responsible step to enroll your beloved pet in Yavapai Humane Society’s Pet Guardianship Program. Dogs can’t talk, so they can’t tell us where or with whom they would like to live. To ensure that their home is a safe, happy & appropriate place for your dog to live, we need you to fill out this form in as much detail as possible. Detail & honest information from you is crucial to our placement process, so please take the time to fill in this profile with care & accuracy. Undesirable behaviors & medical issues do not necessarily create problems, however, not disclosing those problems definitely does. Inaccurate or incomplete responses can undermine the safety & happiness of both your dog & the new adopting family. If there are any questions that are unclear or that you are uncomfortable responding to for any reason, please ask to speak directly to one of our helpful staff about the issue.
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Dog's Gender
Dog's Status
Has dog been vaccinated within the past year?
How long have you had the dog?
Where did you obtain this dog?
Would you recommend placing this dog in a home with children under 10 years of age?
If this dog lived with children under 8 years of age, how did they interact?
Check all that apply
Please tell us what other animals your dog has lived with
Check all that apply
What has been your dogs experience with other dogs in your home or outside of your home?
Check all that apply
How does you dog interact with cats?
Check all that apply
How often does your dog go to the bathroom inside your home?
Check all that apply
If your dog chews, what does he/she like to chew on?
Where is your dog kept when you’re home?
Check all that apply
How many hours a day is your dog left alone?
How do you confine your dog to your yard?
Check all that apply
Has your dog ever escaped? if so how?
Check all that apply
What type of training has your dog had?
Check all that apply
What commands does your dog respond to?
Check all that apply
Are there any particular people or things that your dog appears to be afraid of?
Has your dog ever
Check all that apply
Was it at or over
Check all that apply
How does your dog react while at the vets office?
Check all that apply
What part of your dogs body does he/she not like touched?
Check all that apply
How does he/she respond?
Check all that apply
I certify that I have the authority to enroll the above described animal in the Pet Guardianship Program. Upon my death or incapacitation, I hereby relinquish all rights of ownership, in the above-described animal(s) in favor of Yavapai Humane Society, and I agree that the animal(s) may be placed up for adoption, transferred to another animal welfare organization or humanely euthanized at the sole discretion of Yavapai Humane Society. I authorize the transfer of my animal’s information (as listed above) to a new owner when this animal is placed up for adoption. The information on this form is to the best of my knowledge, accurate & complete. I understand that every effort will be made to place the animal in a foster home while it awaits adoption, but it may be housed temporarily in the YHS Adoption Center. I understand that YHS will attempt to place my animals in the same home but also understand the most important thing is to have them in a loving home, even if it means they are separated.
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